Today's Labour News

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fsbTimesLive reports that the Financial Services Board (FSB) has denied offering its Deputy Registrar of Pension Funds Rosemary Hunter a golden handshake to leave quietly.  

The board made this submission in its answering affidavit to her court challenge in which she sought to force the FSB - her employer - to make public two reports on the way in which dormant pension funds were closed.  In its answering affidavit‚ the board said its decision to engage Hunter on an amicable parting of ways was based on the fact that her relationship with its CEO Dube Tshidi and several of her colleagues had broken down irretrievably.  This apparently impeded the ability of the FSB to effectively carry out its mandate.  Hunter launched an application earlier this year concerning the “cancellations project” initiated by the Registrar of Pension Funds to cancel the registrations of about 4,500 pension funds that did not have boards and trustees.  The FSB board attached all the reports requested in its answering affidavit.

  • Read this report by Ernest Mabuza in full at TimesLive

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