President Jacob Zuma has praised organised labour and business for working with the government to avert a recent ratings downgrade, and said the cooperation should continue.
Speaking at a meeting of the Presidential Labour Working Group in Pretoria on Tuesday, he thanked trade union leaders for cooperating with business and government to keep the economy from ruin. “If we work together in the manner we have done in the past few months, I am convinced that we will overcome the challenges that we face,” Zuma said. He pointed out that the meeting was taking place as the “economy is facing strong headwinds due to a weak global economy and some challenges in the domestic sphere. The economic situation makes it difficult to create jobs, and this affects all in our country, especially our youth.” Issues on the meeting’s agenda included the state of the economy and steps that should be taken to turn it around to stem job losses and create decent jobs.
- Read this report in full at Engineering News
- Read too, Zuma urges co-operation to turn economy around, create jobs, at Business Report
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