Today's Labour News

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gavel thumb100 The Citizen reports that the civil case against 40 companies accused of corruption involving personal protective equipment (PPE) meant to deal with the spread of Covid-19 in Gauteng has been postponed to next month.  

The deadline for all heads of arguments to be submitted has been set for 4 November.  Special Investigating Unit (SIU) spokesperson Kaizer Kganyago said the civil case to extend the interim order freezing the bank accounts of the 40 companies was to assist in their investigation. “Remember, we asked for an order because we are following the money trail – money which was channelled through various bank accounts. We asked for an interim order which was granted, but now we are seeking to make the order final,” he indicated.  Judge Billy Mothle had previously granted an interim order to freeze the bank accounts and interdicted the Gauteng department of health from making further payments to Ledla Structural Development and 39 other companies.  Court papers claimed that the company was awarded a contract by the department for the supply of Covid-19 items which, the SIU contended, was unlawfully, irregularly and corruptly awarded at prices which were grossly inflated.  The interim order also interdicted the Government Employee Pension Fund from releasing the pension money and benefits to the former departmental chief financial officer Kabelo Lehloenya, pending the institution of a civil suit against him by the SIU.

  • Read the full original of the report in the above regard by Simnikiwe Hlatshaneni on page 5 of The Citizen of 7 October 2020

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