EWN reports that Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) president Zingiswa Losi on Wednesday called on Finance Minister Tito Mboweni to resign from his post if he is "too tired to fulfill his mandate".
Cosatu has had a fractious relationship with the minister since his appointment and after his department adopted an austerity budget seeking to slash the public service wage bill by R160 billion in the next three years. Losi was addressing workers outside the offices of the National Treasury in Pretoria during Wednesday’s national protests against the continued decline of SA’s economy. The hundreds of workers who protested outside the offices were upset at Mboweni’s absence when they handed over a memorandum of demands. But Losi said they were not shocked by Mboweni’s decision not to show up to receive the workers’ complaints, given his posture towards labour since he took up his position. She said he should leave the post so that others who were willing to protect the interests of South Africans could occupy the critical role. The workers’ memorandum was received by Employment and Labour Minister Thulas Nxesi and Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula. Nxesi defended Mboweni’s absence, saying he was busy with a presentation to the Cabinet Lekgotla.
- Read the full original of the report in the above regard by Theto Mahlakoana at EWN
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