Today's Labour News

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ancFinancial Mail writes that the ANC has fallen into a trap set for it by its alliance partner, Cosatu, which put the governing party’s resolve to fight corruption to the test with a proposal to ban politically exposed people from doing business with the state.  

Not surprisingly, the recent ANC national executive committee lekgotla balked at the idea of the ban, proving that the party’s resolve to fight corruption has limits.  The proposal by labour federation Cosatu was agreed upon by business, labour and communities in Nedlac, but was "heavily resisted" at the ANC lekgotla over the weekend.  In his closing address to the lekgotla, President Cyril Ramaphosa said while the meeting reaffirmed that public servants or government employees should not do business with the state, "further consultations" were required on whether this should apply to politically exposed people, including elected officials.  Cosatu insiders widely expected the proposal to be rejected — but the ANC will now have to explain to its ally why it was not willing to take the drastic but necessary step to fight corruption, which has reached crisis proportions in SA.  Relations between the ANC and Cosatu are frosty at the moment, with the federation having in effect boycotted the ANC lekgotla.  Meantime, Cosatu and rival Saftu (SA Federation of Trade Unions) seem to be putting their differences aside to take on the state.

  • Read the full original of the report in the above regard by Natasha Marrian at BusinessLive (paywall access only)

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