Today's Labour News

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medicaldoctorThe Citizen reports that Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi has called for a review of the remunerative work outside the public service (RWOPS) policy amid concerns over abuse, particularly regarding doctors arriving late or being absent from their duties at state-owned hospitals.

On Monday, the Office of Health Standards Compliance (OHSC) and the Health Ombud released findings from an investigation into allegations against Helen Joseph Hospital. This followed a series of videos posted on social media in September last year by former radio talk show host Tom London in which he alleged mistreatment, negligence, and poor infrastructure at the hospital. While the Health Ombud on Monday said many of London’s claims were unsubstantiated, the investigation confirmed issues related to infrastructure, governance, and service delivery at the hospital. OHSC Chief Executive Officer Dr Siphiwe Mndaweni said during Monday’s press conference: “The management admitted that they are struggling with doctors that are not at work at the time that they are supposed to.” Motsoaledi linked part of the absence and lateness of some doctors to alleged abuse of the RWOPS system. Under the RWOPS programme, healthcare workers are allowed to take on private sector jobs, but only if they obtain approval from their management. Motsoaledi stressed that the conditions under which health unions were advocating for RWOPS “no longer exist”. The minister called for an urgent review of the RWOPS policy. He said some doctors had even opened private practices when they were fully employed by the state.

  • Read the full original of the report in the above regard by Molefe Seeletsa at The Citizen
  • Read too, Probe into Helen Joseph sparked by Tom London videos finds 'significant infrastructure challenges', at News24

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