Mining Weekly reports that trade union Solidarity has expressed concern about the fate of almost 3,000 Sibanye-Stillwater mineworkers whose jobs are in jeopardy as the mining company considers the future of its Kloof 4 shaft, in Carletonville.
Sibanye last week announced that it would hold discussions with stakeholders to decide on the future of the gold mining operation, given the financial and operational challenges it was facing. Nearly 2,400 Sibanye employees and 581 contract workers stand to lose their jobs should the operation be shut. Solidarity deputy general secretary Riaan Visser pointed out that Sibanye’s excellent half-yearly results contradicted the necessity for large-scale layoffs. “A justifiable question to ask here is whether we are dealing with a gold giant that is gobbling up profits at the expense of employees,” Visser asked. Solidarity said it would actively participate in the consultation process with the aim of preventing layoffs, or at least limiting them. According to Visser, workers were already experiencing significant financial pressures that ultimately would affect the wider community. The Section 189 (retrenchment) process will be facilitated by the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration, and a date for the first round of the consultation process has yet to be confirmed.
- Read the full original of the report in the above regard at Mining Weekly
- Lees ook, Duisende dalk by Sibanye-Stillwater afgelê, by Maroela Media
- Read Solidarity’s press release on this matter at Politicsweb
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