Today's Labour News

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southafricalogoCity Press reports that according to Tandiswa Tokwe, a former domestic helper of Smuts Ngonyama, SA’s ambassador to Japan, the ambassador’s wife tackled her with a broomstick and now the ambassador is trying to silence her.

She is back in East London after things turned sour between her and the Ngonyamas in Japan. However, Tokwe’s future is bleak as she is now an unemployed single mother. Her problems in Tokyo began in July when Ngonyama’s wife Nokwazi assaulted her with a broomstick. Tokwe claims she was beaten three times on her thighs and arms. A struggle ensued in which she sprained her arm. Tokwe received medical treatment at a clinic in Tokyo. The Ngonyamas apologised to Tokwe after the department heard about the incident. Tokwe then signed a letter accepting the couple’s apology, but resigned on 27 July because Nokwazi had allegedly taken away her cellphone and she was afraid of her former employers. Lungisani Ntombela, an officer with the resources department, drafted a settlement agreement, which Ngonyama signed on 30 August but which Tokwe refused to sign. The agreement stipulated that Ngonyama would pay Tokwe’s salary until December this year – amounting to R195 000 – on condition that she disclosed nothing about any settlement or said anything further about the matter to any third party (including the media), and that she brought no further claims against the couple. These were conditions Tokwe could apparently not agree to as she was not prepared to surrender her basic rights.

  • Read the full original of the report in the above regard by Johan Eybers at City Press

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