Today's Labour News

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sahrc thumb medium90 90The Citizen reports that the SA Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) in Limpopo is conducting an inquiry into the impact of mining activities on human rights in communities.

The aim of the inquiry is to address continuous complaints of human rights violations related to mining activities, with a particular emphasis on environmental and socioeconomic rights. “Over the years, we have continuously received and investigated complaints of human rights violations due to mining activities with environmental rights and socioeconomic rights being the most allegedly violated. The hearing, which is underway at the Park Inn by Radisson in Polokwane, takes place until tomorrow (Wednesday),” said SAHRC Limpopo provincial manager Victor Mavhidula. He pointed out that in the mining sector, the socioeconomic rights of communities were protected through the requirement to have and comply with social and labour plans. Mavhidula indicated that the inquiry aimed to investigate further on a systemic level to establish the following: the extent of the human rights violations due to mining activities; causes of the violations experienced by the communities; whether the mining houses were responsible for the violations; whether the regulatory bodies, oversight departments, and other relevant institutions, were efficiently carrying out their mandates to ensure that no human rights were violated; and the systemic nature of the violations. Mining companies, complainants, relevant government departments, municipalities and other relevant institutions have been identified to appear and give evidence.

  • Read the full original of the report in the above regard by Masoka Dube at The Citizen

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