Today's Labour News

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Senzo MchunuIOL News reports that the Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (Popcru) has called on the newly appointed police minister Senzo Mchunu to tackle the issues of police killings.

The union welcomed Mchunu's appointment and urged him to prioritise transformative leadership aimed at addressing challenges within the police department. But, another leading commentator, KZN violence monitor Mary De Haas, said she was anxious it was a “very bad” move to appoint Mchunu as he remained close with former police minister Bheki Cele, whom she described as a “disaster”. Popcru spokesperson Richard Mamabolo voiced concern about ongoing police killings, emphasising their expectation for Mchunu to implement measures to address this issue. “Law enforcement officers have become targeted victims of the worst crime, with attacks and killings escalating in the country,” Mamabolo pointed out. He argued that the increasing rate of police killings had the potential to undermine the country’s peace and stability, as many of these officers were killed while on duty preventing and combating crime. “Some are attacked while guarding inmates, traffic and police officers ambushed when conducting patrols, with their potential firearms and uniforms being stolen with the probable intention of committing further crimes,” Mamabolo lamented. He called for the government to declare a stern stance by classifying police killings as treason. Mamabolo added that the union was also concerned about the police to population ratio, which currently stood at 1:450; which still fell short of the UN ratio of 1:220.

  • Read the full original of the report in the above regard by Simon Majadibodu at IOL News

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