Today's Labour News

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exxaroMiningmx reports that according to Exxaro Resources, a meeting with the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) scheduled for Monday regarding “unfounded allegations” by the union failed to take place.

This was after the NUM issued a statement earlier on Monday in which it rejected the recent appointment of Ben Magara as the coal miner’s CEO, effective from 1 April. The union fired off a number of accusations including its view that Exxaro’s board orchestrated the resignation of its former CEO, Nombasa Tsengwa. The union also said Magara had a conflict of interest as a non-executive director of Exxaro and of shipping and logistics company Grindrod (since relinquished). Exxaro had awarded contracts to Grindrod at Magara’s behest, it alleged. An Exxaro spokesperson advised: “We were due to meet with the NUM Highveld regional leadership on Monday 17, but they did not attend the meeting. This is a pity as it would have provided an opportunity to deal with the unfounded allegations raise by the regional leadership.” Tsengwa resigned in February over the handling of a probe into allegations over her conduct which included claims related to “workplace conduct and governance practice”. Law firm ENS was enlisted to conduct an independent investigation, but Tsengwa said it amounted to “a predetermined outcome, which I refuse to subject myself further to”. Magara’s appointment was met with applause and cheers when it was announced on 13 March.

  • Read the full original of the report in the above regard by David McKay at Miningmx

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