Today's Labour News

newsThis news aggregator site highlights South African labour news from a wide range of internet and print sources. Each posting has a synopsis of the source article, together with a link or reference to the original. Postings cover the range of labour related matters from industrial relations to generalist human resources.

Last Update: 11-03-2025

gautengThe New Age reports that Gauteng Premier David Makhura on Wednesday promised that five million jobs would be created in Gauteng in the next 14 years from a massive R1.3 trillion capital investment in social and economic infrastructure.  

coalBDLive writes that SA’s coal producers could be the next to face a wave of litigation from workers with lung diseases, after successes against gold companies by workers who contracted silicosis.  

DesVanRooyenTimesLive reports that Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister Des van Rooyen has ordered the 278 municipalities under his watch to stop making termination settlement agreements - better known as "golden handshakes".  

netcareBDLive reports that private hospital group Netcare has denied union Hospersa’s claims that it failed to inform staff of its plans to outsource 37 pharmacies in its Medicross clinics, as well as the retail outlets in 51 hospitals, to retailer Clicks.  

mosebenzizwaneBusiness Report writes that Mineral Resources Minister Mosebenzi Zwane wants the investigation into the killings of two Northam Platinum miners to be expedited, and for the mine to return to stability.