Today's Labour News

newsThis news aggregator site highlights South African labour news from a wide range of internet and print sources. Each posting has a synopsis of the source article, together with a link or reference to the original. Postings cover the range of labour related matters from industrial relations to generalist human resources.

Last Update: 12-03-2025

OakbayReuters reports that workers at Oakbay Investments appealed on Wednesday to South African banks to restore relations with their company, saying their livelihoods were at stake.  

southafricalogoBDLive reports that the much-maligned Compensation Fund has embarked on an action plan to fix its problems, with "significant" progress having been made over the past year in the processing of claims.  

cosatuBDLive reports that reeling from arson and vandalism in Cape Town‚ which many have linked to “illegal strike action”‚ Metrorail has now been threatened with formal industrial action by Cosatu.  

earningsFin24 reports that minimum wage increases will come into effect for the hospitality industry on 1 July and will be applicable until June 30 2017, the Federated Hospitality Association of Southern Africa (Fedhasa) in the Cape region cautioned on Tuesday.  

ComairBDLive reports that almost a week after downing tools over salary increases‚ Comair workers affiliated to the United Association of SA (Uasa) reached a settlement with the company on Tuesday afternoon.