Today's Labour News

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saa thumb medium95 76BDLive reports that wage talks at South African Airways (SAA) are headed towards mediation, while the airline on Thursday moved to dispel perceptions it had sufficient cash to meet high wage demands.  

United Association of SA’s (Uasa’s) Willie van Eeden said on Thursday that unions were awaiting a date for talks under the auspices of statutory mediation agency the CCMA.  He indicated that wage demands remained unchanged.  Uasa, the National Transport Movement (NTM), the SA Cabin Crew Association (SACCA) and the National Union of Metalworkers of SA (Numsa) had been bargaining at SAA since the beginning of April.  On Tuesday they said they had raised their wage demands from single digits to 11%, after SAA chairwoman Dudu Myeni said on Friday that SAA was financially sound and "had money".  “Comments made that SAA ‘has money’ did not imply that the airline has now become profitable," a statement from the airline read.

  • Read this report by Karl Gernetzky and Andiswa Maqutu in full at BDLive
  • Read too, SAA denies wage deadlock, at Fin24

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