Today's Labour News

newsThis news aggregator site highlights South African labour news from a wide range of internet and print sources. Each posting has a synopsis of the source article, together with a link or reference to the original. Postings cover the range of labour related matters from industrial relations to generalist human resources.

Last Update: 12-03-2025

exxaroSABC News reports that there is a glimmer of hope that more than 1,800 jobs could be saved at Exxaro Coal's Arnot colliery.  Eskom will soon be announcing the appointment of at least two companies that will be supplying coal at the colliery linked-power station.  

vavi1Sowetan reports that former Cosatu general secretary Zwelinzima Vavi is pulling out all the stops to secure political support for a new trade union federation he is set to lead.  

metrorail thumb medium90 92News24 reports that Metrorail has warned that train services between Pretoria and Johannesburg and in Cape Town were running late on Tuesday.  

cosatuTMG Digital reports that Cosatu has strongly condemned the 34% increase in the import duty on wheat that is expected to result in a rise in the price of bread.  

uasa thumb medium70 84TimesLive reports that airport services in respect of Kulula and British Airways could face disruptions as employees of Comair, which services these airlines, are due to embark on a strike on Thursday.